
Content Areas
This year, we will be focusing on 4 different content areas in Reading. They are:
1. Words and phrases in context
2. Main idea, plot and author's purpose 
3. Comparison and cause and effect
4. Reference and research
These are also the 4 clusters on the reading portion of the FCAT. All of our center activities, morning work and many other activities are based on these areas.

Guided Questions

Each week we will focus on a new guided question. These questions guide what the children will be learning. The subject of the questions may repeat, but are used with different stories and are looked at deeper as the year progresses. Topics of these questions may include, but are not limited to: predicting, inferencing and sequencing. These questions are intended to keep the children focused so that they can become better readers. 

Reading Journals

Each week, your child will be required to complete three entries in their reading journal. They are provided with a list of prompts that they may answer (stapled to the inside cover of their journal) or they may write about something else that is important to their book. All entries must be detailed and prove that they have been reading their book. It doesn't matter how long each entry is, as long as it answers the prompt to its fullest extent. Journal entries may be completed in class during the appropriate time or at home, but must be completed by the assigned day.  


Genre of the Month

Appropriate Books for 3rd Graders